EDF — Projects — Carbon Visuals

Talk to us about your environmental communication challenge


Gasoline from tar sands is different

The Environmental Defense Fund asked us to explain the difference between gasoline from tar-sands and regular gasoline in terms everyone can relate to. We compared them in terms of a single gallon of gas and a typical car's annual emissions. 

USA specific image set

A set of simple images was created to give context to other visualisation projects we were carrying out for US-based Environmental Defense Fund.

Using a model of a typical US house, combined with US metrics - tons, gallons etc. - helps make the images more real for Americans.

Building Confidence

The Building Confidence Project emerged from an energy 'data-jam' at the Google offices in New York to which Carbon Visuals was invited. It was organised by the White House to generate new approaches to energy efficiency.

The project idea, facilitated by Honest Buildings, was to create a database of energy efficiency projects that can inspire and facilitate similar initiatives elsewhere. Carbon Visuals' role was to consider the role data-graphics could play in reaching wider audiences.