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Talk to us about your environmental communication challenge


When Art and Science Collide

Participating at SWSX Eco got me thinking again about how we engage people in the climate / energy challenge. I don’t mean the small percentage of committed greens or sceptics at either end of the spectrum. We are talking here about the man and woman on the street – the majority who we need to engage to support, rather than block, the transition to a low or zero-carbon future.

The case for Carbon Literacy

Human induced climate change is claimed to be the greatest challenge of the 21st century. But man-made carbon emissions continue to rise - the 400ppm carbon milestone causes barely a ripple. I am intrigued as to why, in society at large, there is little grass roots support, no loud and clear call for action to address this issue.

Our panel at SXSW Eco

Carbon Visuals has submitted a proposal for a panel discussion - Making carbon visible in cities - at the prestigious SXSW Eco conference in Austin, Texas in October.

Our panel was accepted - thanks to all who voted for us! And thank you SXSW Eco. So I will be in Austin, Texas October 7-9, and in Washington DC 3-4th.